Gallery# Farming Modelling Standard Python Livestock detection (DeepForest) Polar Modelling Standard Python Daily sea ice forecasting (IceNet library) Ocean Modelling Special Issue Python Variational data assimilation with deep prior (CIRC23) General Modelling Special Issue Python Deep learning and variational inversion for climate science (CIRC23) Ocean Modelling Special Issue Python Underlying physics of the ocean’s temperature (CIRC23) General Exploration Standard Python Land Cover Data (Impact Observatory) Agriculture Exploration Standard Python Cosmos-UK Soil Moisture (UKCEH) General Preprocessing Standard Python Rainfall NCEP/NCAR (NOAA) Polar Modelling Standard Python Monthly sea ice forecasting (IceNet) Forest Modelling Standard Python Tree crown (DetectreeRGB) Wildfires Exploration Standard Python SEVIRI Level 1.5 (EUMESAT) Forest Modelling Standard Python Tree crown (DeepForest) Wildfires Exploration Standard Python MOD021KM and FIRMS (NASA) Urban Exploration Standard Python UKV high-resolution (Met Office) Ocean Modelling Standard Python Detecting floating objects (ESA Phi-Lab)